77 Politechnicheskaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410054


Arzamastsev Sergey Vladimirovich

Arzamastsev Sergey Vladimirovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences , Associate Professor
Professor of the Department of Ecology and Technosphere Safety


Author of more than 140 scientific publications, including 18 articles in publications indexed in WoS and Scopus databases, 10 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions and utility models, 1 copyright certificate for a computer program.

Scientific interests

  • Polymers and composites: technologies of production and application
  • Energy- and resource-saving technologies in chemistry

Main Publications

  1. Surface activation of the reinforcing filler and polymer matrix modification as efficient ways to upgrade properties of polymer-matrix composites based on epoxy matrices /Mostovoi A.S., Arzamastsev S.V., Kadykova Yu.A., Danilov I., Asoyan A., Marusin A. // Architecture and Engineering . - 2018. - Vol. 3,№ 4. - P. 36-41.
  2. Elektrofizicheskaya modifikaciya bazal'tovyh nitej /Kadykova YU.A., Kolganova S.G., Arzamascev S.V., Vasenina E.YU., Alekseev V.S. // Voprosy elektrotekhnologii . - 2019. - № 2 (23). - P. 101-105. (На русском)
  3. Elementnyj sostav poverhnostnyh sloev, formiruyushchihsya na titane, pri katodnoj obrabotke v hitozansoderzhaschih vodno-dimetilsul'foksidnyh 19 rastvorah fosfatmolibdatnogo rastvora elektrolita /Popova S.S., Hussejn H.A., Frolova I.I., Ol'shanskaya L.N., Arzamascev S.V. // Elektrohimicheskaya energetika . - 2021. - V. 21, № 1. - P. 32-48. (In Russian)
  4. Effect of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization on the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Modified Fiber-Reinforced Composites Based on an Epoxy Resin /Scherbakov A.S., Mostovoi A.S., Yakovlev N.A., S.V.Arzamastsev // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry . - 2021. - Vol. 94, № 8. - P. 1080-1087.
  5. Issledovanie vliyaniya funkcionalizacii uglerodnyh nanotrubok na fiziko-himicheskie i mekhanicheskie svojstva modificirovannyh armirovannyh voloknom kompozitov na osnove epoksidnoj smoly /Scherbakov A.S., Mostovoj A.S., Yakovlev A.V., Arzamascev S.V. // Zhurnal prikladnoj himii. - 2021. - V. 94, № 8. - P. 1031-1039. (In Russian)